Unleashed & Unhinged
A podcast for dog lovers, dog trainers and dog nerds. I’m Ian Shivers, a behaviour consultant, mentor to other dog professionals, podcaster and all round animal geek. You can find me in Sydney where I run Bondi Behaviourist, a training company that works city wide, Canine C.A.R.E.givers, an online platform for dog owners to learn about training and behaviour, and Mutley, an all in one platform and community with the goal of supporting the amazing professionals in our industry. For some insane reason, as if I wasn’t busy enough I set up this podcast too, in which I’ll dive into a dog topic and unpack it. I hope you enjoy the show.
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Episode 18: Canine Caregivers - Should We Give Our Dogs Bones?
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Thursday Oct 26, 2023
Dominique Hone of Canine Caregivers joins me again for another Canine Caregivers episode.In this episode we discuss "Should We Give Our Dogs Bones?"
Somehow, this topic seems to have been so discussed and over thought that it's become a messy topic and you'll get a different opinion from most people you ask. There's some fear mongering out there and there's some wreckless people not making any considerations and both are equally unhelpful. So, we unpack it and highlight the considerations to make when choosing whether or not to give your dog a bone.
As ever, I won't spoil it by giving away the answers here. So... Dive in, have a listen and if you want to learn more about what Dom and I have to offer formally then go check out caninecaregivers.com.au because we've got a ton of webinars, courses and membership tiers available.
Dominique also operates as 'The Dog Behavioural Trainer' in Sydney where she helps people and their dogs with training and behavioural issues. You can find her website here: https://thedogbehaviouraltrainer.com.au/
Don't forget to follow the show and leave a review if you're feeling generous.
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Episode 17: Michael Shikashio - Dog Aggression
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Mike Shikashio is one of the leading experts in our industry when it comes to dog aggression. So getting the chance to sit down, pick his brain and ask him questions on this topic was fascinating for me.
We discuss a wide range of things but always bringing it back to aggression and as a result I believe that anyone wanting to gain an insight into how to approach training an aggressive dog and everything that goes on in making the necessary considerations can take a lot from this episode.
So, listen in and let us know what you think.
Whether you're a dog owner or a professional, Mike has got resources that are going to be able to help you when it comes to aggression. So follow the links below to learn more and to learn more about the show itself.
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Episode 16: Canine Caregivers - Building a Relationship
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Thursday Oct 19, 2023
Dominique Hone of Canine Caregivers joins me again for another Canine Caregivers episode.In this episode we discuss "Building a Relationship" because at the heart of everything we do with our dogs, it's the relationships we build with them that mean so much to both us and them. A healthy relationship with our dogs has been proven to improve our health both physically and mentally and nobody will argue spiritually, so thought it an important topic to bring up.
As ever, I won't spoil it by giving away the answers here. So... Dive in, have a listen and if you want to learn more about what Dom and I have to offer formally then go check out caninecaregivers.com.au because we've got a ton of webinars, courses and membership tiers available.
Dominique also operates as 'The Dog Behavioural Trainer' in Sydney where she helps people and their dogs with training and behavioural issues. You can find her website here: https://thedogbehaviouraltrainer.com.au/
Don't forget to follow the show and leave a review if you're feeling generous.
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Episode 15: Kim Brophey - L.E.G.S. - What Drives Our Dogs Behaviour?
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Kim Brophey is an internationally rewarded, recognised and celebrated professional in our industry for what has become a number of reasons. This includes her award winning book, "Meet Your Dog", her award winning behaviour centre "The Dog Door" and her trademarked Dog L.E.G.S.® model is a groundbreaking new system for dog lovers to truly understand their dogs’ behavior.
It's her L.E.G.S. model that we dive into in this episode as we take a look under the hoor of our dogs and really look at what the causes are of our dogs behaviour.
Each time that I get the opportunity to talk dog with Kim she blows my mind, I find myself nodding as I learn more and more as the conversations go on.
So, listen in and let us know what you think.
To learn more about the show, Kims work, her books and her L.E.G.S. course follow these links below:
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Episode 14: Canine Caregivers -Will They Grow Out Of It?
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Dominique Hone of Canine Caregivers joins me again for another Canine Caregivers special.
Dom and I have sat down and had hundreds of conversations about dog training and dogs in general over the years so we started recording them.
We don't really sugar coat things when we're together and we try to talk about technical things that matter to us as professionals and that are in reality equally important to dog guardians and caregivers but are probably less well known about.
You'll see a trend in these episodes as they begin to come out in that we are often trying to answer a commonly asked questions to us in our roles as behaviour consultants In this episode we address the question "Will They Grow Out Of It?"
As ever, I won't spoil it by giving away the answers here. So... Dive in, have a listen and if you want to learn more about what Dom and I have to offer formally then go check out caninecaregivers.com.au because we've got a ton of webinars, courses and membership tiers available.
Dominique also operates as 'The Dog Behavioural Trainer' in Sydney where she helps people and their dogs with training and behavioural issues. You can find her website here: https://thedogbehaviouraltrainer.com.au/
Don't forget to follow the show and leave a review if you're feeling generous.
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Episode 13: Matt Beisner - The Big Picture
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Matt Beisner only went and joined me on the podcast!
That alone made my week, let alone my day.
This episode and conversation was an absolute privilege to have as we spoke about the big picture of pet ownership and the concept of dog training.
We cover a wide range of topics and as ever Matt is considered in his answers, deep in his analysis and raises some points well worth listening to.
Matt made his name in the public eye with his TV show "Dog Impossible" which is available on Disney but has earned his stripes as a well respected professional in our industry with numerous qualifications and a well known for his approach to ultimately meeting the needs of both the human and their dogs and improving the quality of life as a whole.
I really enjoyed this conversation and could have kept going for many hours. I'd love to hear what you think too, so have a listen and leave your comments.
To learn more about the show, Matt's work, her books and her L.E.G.S. course follow these links below:
I hope you enjoy the episode and the many more than will follow it.
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Episode 12: Canine Caregivers - Would Getting a 2nd Dog Fix My First Dogs Problems?
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
The second special episode with Dominique Hone of Canine Caregivers and they're coming thick and fast right now.
Dom and I have sat down and had hundreds of conversations about dog training and dogs in general over the years so we started recording them.
We don't really sugar coat things when we're together and we try to talk about technical things that matter to us as professionals and that are in reality equally important to dog guardians and caregivers but are probably less well known about.
In this episode we try to answer a common question both of us often get in our roles as behaviour consultants "Would Getting a 2nd Dog Fix My First Dogs Problems?"
I won't spoil it by giving away the answers here. So... Dive in, have a listen and if you want to learn more about what Dom and I have to offer formally then go check out caninecaregivers.com.au because we've got a ton of webinars, courses and membership tiers available.
Dominique also operates as 'The Dog Behavioural Trainer' in Sydney where she helps people and their dogs with training and behavioural issues. You can find her website here: https://thedogbehaviouraltrainer.com.au/
Don't forget to follow the show and leave a review if you're feeling generous.
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Episode 11: Renée Erdman - How to Build ’Good’ Behaviour
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Renée Erdman and I discuss 'How to Build 'Good' Behaviour.
Renée is someone I often look to for inspiration. I love her take and philosophy on dog training in general. I've been fortunate enough to have had a few great conversations with her over the years and each time I walk away feeling like I've learned something new.
Renée has a ridiculous amount of qualifications, so much so that than I am not going to list right here. Having worked in many aspects of dog training over the years, she has gone on to specialise in reactivity and remotely. So you can work with her from anywhere in the world. To learn more about her work (and to see the extensive list of qualifications go take a look at her website bravodog.ca
This was such a great conversation, so go take a listen and don't forget to follow the pod while you're at it.
You can find out more at;
I hope you enjoy the episode and the many more than will follow it.
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Episode 10: Canine Caregivers Special - Perception of Control
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
This is the first special episode with Dominique Hone of Canine Caregivers.
Dom and I have sat down and had hundreds of conversations about dog training and dogs in general over the years so we started recording them.
We don't really sugar coat things when we're together and we try to talk about technical things that matter to us as professionals and that are in reality equally important to dog guardians and caregivers but are probably less well known about.
In this episode we break down "Perception of Control" which is a fancy talk for us talking about whether it's important or not your dog thinks they are in control of their outcomes.
Dive in, have a listen and if you want to learn more about what Dom and I have to offer formally then go check out caninecaregivers.com.au because we've got a ton of webinars, courses and membership tiers available.
Dominique also operates as 'The Dog Behavioural Trainer' in Sydney where she helps people and their dogs with training and behavioural issues. You can find her website here: https://thedogbehaviouraltrainer.com.au/
Don't forget to follow the show and leave a review if you're feeling generous.
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Episode 9: Carly Clarke of Super Woofers - Puppyhood
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
In this episode Carly Clarke and I discuss all things puppyhood.
Carly is an expert in this field, her company Super Woofers is dedicates a number of services to setting puppies and their families up to succeed. There are a number of resources available on her site, including free webinars so take a moment to go check them out when you get a chance.
With an expert in the house we thought we'd talk about what to prioritise, what we commonly see practiced and what some best practices might be and much more.
Listen in to this episode as we unpack this topic further.
You can find out more at;
I hope you enjoy the episode and the many more than will follow it.